Problems Because of Success

We’ve all seen big name gurus tumble.

I used to be distressed seeing people I admired fall apart. Dr. Joe Dispenza eluded to this problem in his book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”. And Debbie Ford talked about problems after she got famous with her first book.

What is going on when successful people develop problems because of success?


Dispenza helped me start to understand this problem. He said that he was becoming invested in the thought of himself as the teacher. Unlike most people who can lose themselves to success, Dispenza then took time off to get back in touch with his Soul. His writing turned on a light bulb for me too.

Isn’t that a problem we are all susceptible to? We become a version of ourselves because it’s easy. We go on auto pilot. We get caught up in life and reacting to it and forget to put our Soul first. They say God only gives you what you can handle.  I wonder if that really means that as you grow in your connection to Source you develop the capacity to handle more success. AND when you do reach a worldly success you’ll feel Source telling you to connect. We are multi-dimensional beings and without that balance, we are not fulfilled.

Over time many people slide into a caricature of what they once were. Think of some old time comedians telling jokes that aren’t funny anymore. Now think of yourself. What old successes have you allowed to grow stale? What previous identities don’t fit any longer? If we don’t continuously check in with and live from our Soul aren’t we doomed to live within the caricatures of what we once were? It makes me wonder about what happens to some older folks who resist evolving. Resistance ages us. Old isn’t physical. It is stuck energy. I’ve met my share of older people who are pounding on a door that’s been shut down for decades. They’re still addicted to a mask and an old response to that mask that the world gave them long ago. Unfortunately, it isn’t working anymore.

And even if we created a brilliant personae, its still doomed to become outdated because its just a pattern. Our Soul is a dynamic ever changing force within us and this world is a dream we all live within. We can all get lazy in that regard, but I think especially those who experienced great success because the temptation is so great to sit back and live off the fat of the stardom. They reach the top and now they don’t bother anymore because they think they got what they wanted, which was recognition from the world. And there’s nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying one’s success, but……

Recognition from the world will never make anyone truly happy.

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Or watch what happens to young superstars.

In fact, no one can wring out that feeling of connection to the Soul from this physical world. The fulfillment was never there.

(That doesn’t mean you can’t experience the Soul by appreciating this physical world. I know that’s a paradox, but appreciation isn’t about staying stuck.)

These are my thoughts this morning. Have a great day.



Love ya!
